
Technology & Market Trends Report on EMI Shielding Film 2023

EMI Shielding Film 2023
~ Market Analysis of Electro Magnetic Interference Shielding Film for Electronic Circuits and Devices ~

Focal points of the Report

1.Global market size of Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) shielding film (Y2022) 
 -Market breakdown by application, by type of film, and by manufacturers 
2.Market size and forecasts for EMI shielding films (Y2021-2032) 
 -Market forecast of EMI shielding film by application, and by type of film 
3.EMI shielding film manufacturers' entry products, business trends, development trends, supply relations, etc. 
4.Trend of application (Adoption trend, technology & market trends, etc.) 
 -Smartphone, Tablet PC/others, Automotive, and Telecommunication base stations 
5.Manufacturers' Case Studies of EMI shielding film (7 companies)

Table of Contents


Chapter 1, Technology and Market Trend of EMI Shielding Film

1. Definition and role of the product under study (EMI Shielding Film) ...p2  
2. Methods for measuring and evaluating shielding performances ...p8  
3. Classification of EMI Shielding Films ...p11  
4. Form/structure and constituent materials of EMI Shielding Films ...p13  
5. Application classification and main set devices/main FPCs ...p16  
6. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Films ...p17  
7. List of companies entering the market ...p22  
8. Production sites/capacities of major manufacturers of EMI Shielding Films ...p25
9. Specifications/performance of major EMI Shielding Films ...p26  
10. Business trends of major manufacturers of EMI Shielding Films ...p35  
11. Technical issues/development trends of EMI Shielding Films ...p37  
12. Market size and breakdown of EMI Shielding Film (Y2022) ...p42  
13. Changes and forecasts in the market size of EMI Shielding Film (Y2021-2032) ...p62  
14. Changes and forecasts in the market size of EMI Shielding Film by application (Y2021-2032) ...p69  
15. The supply chain of EMI Shielding Film (User vs. Supplier) ...p78

Chapter 2, Trends of Applications

I. Smartphone  
1. Device characteristics of smartphones and the need for EMI shielding ...p82  
2. Adoption status of FPCs and EMI Shielding Films used in smartphones ...p83  
3. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in Apple’s smartphones ...p86  
4. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in Samsung’s smartphones ...p88
5. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in Google’s smartphones ...p93  
6. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film (adhesive tape type) ...p94  
7. Market trends of FPCs for smartphones ...p95  
8. Technology and market trends of major FPCs / Adoption trends of EMI shielding films ...p101  
9. Procurement status of FPCs by major smartphone manufacturers ...p114  
10. The main customers of EMI Shielding Film manufacturers ...p115  
11. Market trends in mobile phones and smartphones ...p116 

II. Tablet PC/others  
1. Tablet PCs and other small-sized electronic products ...p122  
2. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in tablet PC/others ...p123  
3. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in tablet PC ...p124  
4. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in notebook PC ...p129  
5. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in digital camera ...p131  
6. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in smartwatch ...p132 
7. Market trends of FPC for tablet PC ...p133

III. Automotive 
1. Adoption status of FPC in automotive applications ...p140  
2. Adoption status of EMI Shielding Film in automotive applications ...p142  
3. Market trends of FPCs for automotive applications ...p144  
4. Adoption trends of EMI Shielding Film in automotive applications ...p147  
5. Requirements and material conditions for automotive FPCs ...p149  
6. Market trends for automobiles ...p150

IV. Telecommunication base stations
1. Overview of telecommunication base stations (5G) ...p153  
2. Communication networks (5G) ...p155 
3. Antenna technology for base stations (5G) ...p156  
4. Antenna boards for base stations ...p157  
5. Features by antenna board and countermeasures for electromagnetic noise ...p158  
6. Adoption trends of EMI Shielding Film in base stations ...p159

Chapter 3, Manufacturers’ Case Studies

TATSUTA Electric Wire and Cable Co., Ltd. ...p163  
TOYOCHEM Co., Ltd. ...p179  
3M Company ...p195  
Guangzhou Fangbang Electronics Co., Ltd. ...p203  
Meixin New Material Co., Ltd. ...p217  
Shenzhen KNQ Technology Co., Ltd. ...p224  
tesa Group ...p232