
Technology & Market Trends Report on FC-BGA Substrates 2023

FC-BGA Substrate 2023
~ Analyzing the Technology & Market Trends of Flip Chip-Ball Grid Array Substrates ~

Focal points of the Report

1. Technology Trends of the Advanced IC Packages (for HPC) 
  - Analyzed the packaging technology roadmap by ICs 
  - Analyzed the packaging technology trends of the global key semiconductor companies 

2. Market Trends for the FC-BGA Substrates 
  - Analyzed the global FC-BGA substrate market for the year 2022, categorized by substrate layer counts, 
    IC types and applications. 
  The analysis encompassed the market's performance in terms of sales value, volume, and area. 
    Furthermore, forecasted the global FC-BGA substrate market from 2023 to 2032. 
  *By Substrate Layer Counts: 
   Up to 2-n-2, Up to 4-n-4, Up to 6-n-6, Up to 8-n-8, 9-n-9 and above, Coreless, 2.xD PKG 
  *By IC Types: MPU, GPU, Chipset, FPGA/ASIC 
  *By Applications: 
   PC, Server/AI, Gaming/Tablet, Network Infra., Automotive, Others 
  - Analyzed the global demand and supply dynamics of the FC-BGA substrate market and projected future trends 
   in both demand and supply for the FC-BGA substrate market. 
  - Analyzed the supply status of the key substrate manufacturers and the purchasing status of the key semiconductor 
   companies categorized by applications. 

3. Case studies of the global key substrate manufacturers 
  - Covering aspects such as investment in facilities, production sites/capacity, and sales performance

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Executive Summary

Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Overview   ...p2  
Demand and Supply Analysis on Global FC-BGA Substrates   ...p4 
Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Overview for PC Applications    ...p7 
Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Overview for Server/AI Applications    ...p9 
Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Overview for Gaming/Tablet Applications     ...p11
Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Overview for Networking Applications    ...p13
Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Overview for Automotive Applications    ...p15
Sales Ranking of Global Key Substrate Manufacturers in 2022    ...p18
Purchasing Ranking of Global Key Semiconductor Manufacturers in 2022    ...p19
Global FC-BGA Substrate Adoption Status for PC Applications    ...p20
Global FC-BGA Substrate Adoption Status for Server/AI Applications    ...p21
Global FC-BGA Substrate Adoption Status for Gaming/Tablet Applications    ...p22
Global FC-BGA Substrate Adoption Status for Networking Applications    ...p23
Global FC-BGA Substrate Adoption Status for Automotive Applications    ...p24
Sales Trends of Global Key Substrate Manufacturers    ...p25
Global Key Substrate Manufacturers’ Capital Investment Movements for FC-BGA Substrates    ...p27
FC-BGA Substrate Product Roadmap    ...p31

Chapter 2 Technology Trends of Advanced IC Packages

1. Miniaturization of Silicon Node    ...p34  
2. Packaging Technology Roadmap by ICs     ...p35  
3. Types and Outlines of the 2.xD Packages    ...p39  
4. Trends of Silicon Interposer (Si-IP)    ...p41  
5. Packing Technology Trends of Major Manufacturers (TSMC, Intel, Samsung, Shinko Electronics)    ...p42

Chapter 3 Global Market Trends of FC-BGA Substrates

3-1. Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size Forecast from 2022 through 2032    ...p54
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size Forecast by Applications (in value, volume and area terms)   ...p55 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size Forecast for by Layer counts (in value, volume and area terms)   ...p63
3-2. Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size by Applications in 2022   ...p71
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size for PC Applications (in value, volume and area terms)   ...p72
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size for Server/AI Applications (in value, volume and area terms)  ...p73
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size for Gaming/Tablet Applications (in value, volume and area terms)  ...p74
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Market Size for Networking /Automotive/Other Applications (in value, volume and area terms)  ...p75
3-3. Global Key Substrate Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates in 2022    ...p76
 Global Key Substrate Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates by Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p77
 Global Key Substrate Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates by Layer counts (in value and volume terms)  ...p80
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for PC-MPU (in value and volume terms)    ...p82
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for PC-GPU (in value and volume terms)   ...p85
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for PC-Chipset (in value and volume terms)   ...p88
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Server/AI-MPU (in value and volume terms)   ...p91
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Server/AI-GPU (in value and volume terms)   ...p94
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Server/AI-FPGA/ASIC (in value and volume terms)  ...p97
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Gaming/Tablet-MPU (in value and volume terms)  ...p100
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Gaming/Tablet-GPU (in value and volume terms)  ...p103
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Networking -FPGA/ASIC (in value and volume terms) ...p106
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Automotive-FPGA/ASIC (in value and volume terms) ...p109 
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Automotive-GPU (in value and volume terms)  ...p112   
 Manufacturers’ Actual Sales of FC-BGA Substrates for Other Applications-FPGA/ASIC (in value and volume terms) ...p115 
3-4. Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status by Key Substrate Manufacturers in 2022    ...p118 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status for PC Applications (in value and volume terms)    ...p119 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status for Server/AI Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p121 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status for Gaming/Tablet Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p123 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status for Networking Applications (in value and volume terms)   ...p125 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status for Automotive Applications (in value and volume terms)   ...p127 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Supply Status for Other Applications (in value and volume terms)    ...p128 
3-5. Global FC-BGA Substrate Purchasing Status by Key Semiconductor Companies in 2022  ...p129
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Purchasing Status for PC Applications (in value and volume terms)   ...p130 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Purchasing Status for Server/AI Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p131 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Purchasing Status for Gaming/Tablet Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p132 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Purchasing Status for Automotive Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p134 
 Global FC-BGA Substrate Purchasing Status for Networking/Other Applications (in value and volume terms)  ...p135

Chapter 4 Case Studies of Major Substrate Manufacturers

4-1. Japanese Manufacturers
 IBIDEN CO., LTD.   ...p138 
 KYOCERA Corporation    ...p154   
 TOPPAN INC.    ...p162 
4-2. Taiwanese Manufacturers
 Unimicron Technology Corporation    ...p174   
 Nan Ya PCB Corporation    ...p183   
 Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited    ...p201 
4-3. Korean Manufacturers
 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.    ...p208   
 LG Innotek Co., Ltd.    ...p216   
 SIMMTECH Co., Ltd.    ...p224   
 KOREA CIRCUIT CO., LTD.    ...p230   
 DAEDUCK ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd.   ...p224 
4-4. Western Manufacturers
 AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft   ...p247