
High-speed/High-Frequency PCBs & Their Materials for 5G mmWave Base Stations

- Technological and Market Trends of High-Speed / High-Frequency Printed Circuit Boards (HS/HF PCBs) 
  their materials (Copper Clad Laminates, Prepregs, etc.) for 5G mmWave Base Stations
- Technological and Market Trends of 5G mmWave Base Stations

Focal points of the Report

1. Overview of 5G mmWave base stations, product trends, frequency usage by country/region, and forecast and analysis of global market trends (RU/RRH market forecast, manufacturer share) 

2. For high-speed/high-frequency PCBs for millimeter wave base stations, forecasting and analyzing market trends (market breakdown in 2023 and forecasts from 2023 to 2033), along with business trends of manufacturers, technological trends, and supply relations. 
   -Market breakdown and market forecast. 
    by application(RU, DU/CU, etc.), PCB structure/adoption material type, and by manufacturer (in 2023) 

3. For high-speed/high-frequency PCB materials for millimeter wave base stations, forecasting and analyzing market trends (market breakdown in 2023 and forecasts from 2023 to 2033), along with business trends of manufacturers, technological trends, and supply relations. 
   -Market breakdown and market forecast. 
    by application(RU, DU/CU, etc.), material type(Resin type for RU, Df class for DU/CU), and by manufacturer(in 2023) 

4. High-speed/high-frequency PCB Material Manufacturers' Case Studies(9 Companies)

Table of Contents


Chapter 1, Technology and Market Trends for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Stations

1. Overview of 5G Communications and Trend of High Speed for Wireless Communication  p33
2. Communication Technology by Generation, and Adoption Status  p35
3. Device Configuration for 4G Base Station  p36
4. Device Configuration for 5G Base Station  p37
5. Beamforming Technology and Adoption Trends in 5G Millimeter Wave RU  p39
6. Wireless Communication Network Configuration  p40
7. Adopted Frequency Band by Country / Region  p44
8. List of Major Manufacturers for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Station and Base Station Device  p45
9. Millimeter Wave Base Station Products  p46
10. Adoption Status of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs in Millimeter Wave Base Stations  p48
11. High-speed / High-frequency PCB for RU  p53
12. High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB for DU/CU  p58
13. Market Trends for Wireless Communication Base Stations  p59
14. Technology Roadmap for Millimeter Wave Base Stations  p62
15. PCB Technology Roadmap for Millimeter Wave Base Station  p64
16. Business Trends of Major Base Station Manufacturers  p66
17. Supply Flow of PCB Material for Millimeter Wave Base Stations  p69
18. Primary Suppliers of Base Station PCBs for Base Station Manufacturers  p71
19. Price Range for Base station (5G Millimeter Wave)   p72

Chapter 2, Technology and Market Trends of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Stations

1. Adoption Status of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials for Base Stations  p74
2. List of Major Manufacturers of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials  p75
3. Production Site and Capacity of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Material Manufacturers  p76
4. High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials for Antennas / RF from Major Manufacturers  p78
5. High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials for DU / CU from Major Manufacturers  p81
6. Business Trends of Major Manufacturers  p83
7. Market Breakdown of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials for Base Stations in 2023  p87
8. Sales Breakdown of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB materials for Base Stations by manufacturer in 2023  p90
9. PCB Material Market Breakdown for Millimeter Wave Base Station by Usage / Loss Type in 2023  p98
10. Market Size and Forecast for High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials for Base Stations (2023-2033)  p101
11. Market Size and Forecast for PCB Materials for Millimeter Wave Base Stations (2023-2033)  p108
12. Supply Relation of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Materials  p116
13. Price Range of Major High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Material  p118

Chapter 3, Market Trends for High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Stations

1. Adoption Status of Circuit Devices in Base Stations  p120
2. Overview of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs  p121
3. List of Major Manufacturers of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs  p124
4. Production Site of Manufacturers for High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB  p128
5. PCB Materials Adopted by Major PCB Manufacturers for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Stations  p130
6. Business Trends of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB Manufacturers  p131
7. Overall Market Size and Breakdown of PCBs for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Stations in 2023  p138
8. Market Size & Breakdown of High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs for 5G Millimeter Wave Base Stations in 2023  p140
9. PCB market size and Forecast for Millimeter Wave Base Station  (2023-2033)  p146
10. Market Size & forecast for High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs for Millimeter Wave Base Stations (2023-2033)  p157
11. Supply Relationship Between High-Speed / High-Frequency PCB and Base Station Manufacturers  p160
12. Price Range of Major High-Speed / High-Frequency PCBs  p161

Chapter 4, PCB Material Manufacturers' Case Studies

AGC Group  p163
Doosan Corporation Electro-Materials  p173
Elite Material Co., Ltd.  p182
Isola Group  p192
ITEQ Corporation  p203
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.  p211
Rogers Corporation  p223
Shengyi Technology Co., Ltd.  p232
Taiwan Union Technology Corporation  p242 