
Market Report on High-Speed & High-Frequency CCLs and PCBs

Focal points of the Report

* Estimates and analyzes the 2023 market size of high-speed (low-loss) CCLs based on value and volume, 
 classified by loss levels, applications and manufacturers. Forecasts the market size up to 2033. 
   -By Low Loss Levels: Extreme Low Loss(<0.0015), Ultra Low Loss(0.0016-0.003), 
    Very Low Loss(0.0031-0.0055), Low Loss(0.0056-0.0079), Mid Loss(0.008-0.099)   **Df@10GHz 
   -By Applications: AI Server, General Server, Switch & Router, Base Station(BBU), Others 
* Estimates and analyzes the 2023 market size of Multi-layer PCBs (High-Speed) based on value and volume, 
 classified by layer-counts, applications and manufacturers. Forecasts the market size up to 2033. 
   -By Layer-counts: 4-10L, 12-20L, 22+L 
   -By Applications: AI Server, General Server, Switch & Router, Base Station(BBU), Others 
* Estimates and analyzes the 2023 market size of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs based on value and volume, 
 classified by materials, applications and manufacturers. Forecasts the market size up to 2033. 
   -By Materials: PTFE, Hydrocarbon, PPE, PPO &Others 
   -By Applications: Base Station (RU and RRH), mmWave Radar, AiP, Others 
* Estimates and analyzes the 2023 market size of RF Antenna PCBs based on value and volume, 
 classified by materials, applications and manufacturers. Forecasts the market size up to 2033. 
   -By Layer-counts: Double-sided, 4-10L, 12-20L, 22+L 
   -By Applications: Base Station (RU and RRH), mmWave Radar, AiP, Others 
* High-Speed & High-Frequency CCL Manufacturers’ Case Studies (16 Companies)

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 Market Trends of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs and PCBs

1. Market Trends of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs
  List of Major High-Speed (Low-Loss) CCL Manufacturers   p26 
  List of High-Speed (Low-Loss) Products of Major CCL Manufacturers   p27 
  2023 Market Size and Breakdown of High-Speed (Low-Loss) CCLs   p29 
  2023 Sales of Major CCL Manufacturers by Low Loss Levels    p30 
  2023 Sales of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs By Manufacturers and by Applications   p32 
  2023 Market Share of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCL Manufacturers   p34 
  Market Size Forecast of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs by Low Loss Levels   p35 
  Market Size Forecast of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs by Applications    p37 
2. Market Trends of High-Speed PCBs
  2023 Market Size and Breakdown of Multi-layer PCBs by Applications   p40 
  2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of Multi-layer PCBs by Layer-counts    p41 
  2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of Multi-layer PCBs by Applications    p43 
  2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of Multi-layer PCBs    p45 
  Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs by Layer-counts   p46 
  Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs by Applications    p48 
3. Market Trends by Applications
 3-1. Market Trends of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs and PCBs for AI Servers
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs for AI Servers    p52 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs for AI Servers    p54 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs for AI Servers    p55 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of Multi-layer PCBs for AI Servers    p57 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of Multi-layer PCBs for AI Servers    p59
   Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs for AI Servers    p60 
 3-2. Market Trends of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs and PCBs for General Type Servers    p62 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales Value of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for General Type Servers    p63 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Speed (Low Loss)CCLs for General Type Servers    p65 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for General Type Servers    p66 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of Multi-layer PCBs for General Type Servers    p68 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of Multi-layer PCBs for General Type Servers    p70 
   Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs for General Type Servers    p71 
 3-3. Market Trends of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs and PCBs for Switches & Routers 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs for Switches & Routers    p74 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs for Switches & Routers    p76 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs for Switches & Routers    p77 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of Multi-layer PCBs for Switches & Routers  p79 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of Multi-layer PCBs for Switches & Routers  p81 
   Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs for Switches & Routers    p82 
 3-4. Market Trends of High-Speed(Low Loss) CCLs and PCBs for Base Stations
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for Base Stations (BBUs)    p85 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for Base Stations (BBUs)    p87 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for Base Stations (BBUs)  p88 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of Multi-layer PCBs for Base Stations (BBUs)   p90 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of Multi-layer PCBs for Base Stations (BBUs)   p92 
   Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs for Base Stations (BBUs)     p93 
 3-5. Market Trends of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs and PCBs for Other Applications 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for Other Applications    p96 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for Other Applications    p98 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Speed (Low Loss) CCLs for Other Applications    p99 
   Market Size Forecast of Multi-layer PCBs for Other Applications    p101

Chapter 2 Market Trends of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs and PCBs

1. Market Trends of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs 
  List of Major High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCL Manufacturers   p106 
  List of High-Frequency (Low Dk) Products of Major CCL Manufacturers   p107 
  2023 Market Size and Breakdown of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs   p111 
  2023 Sales of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs by Manufacturers and by Materials   p112 
  2023 Sales of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs by Manufacturers and by Applications   p113 
  2023 Market Share of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCL Manufacturers   p114 
  Market Size Forecast of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs by Materials   p115 
  Market Size Forecast of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs by Applications   p117 
2. Market Trends of High-Frequency PCBs (RF Antenna PCBs) 
  2023 Market Size and Breakdown of RF Antenna PCBs by Applications   p120 
  2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of RF Antenna PCBs by Layer-counts   p121 
  2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of RF Antenna PCBs by Applications   p123 
  2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of RF Antenna PCBs   p125 
  Market Size Forecast of RF Antenna PCBs by Layer-counts   p126 
  Market Size Forecast of RF Antenna PCBs by Applications   p128 
3. Market Trends by Applications
 3-1. Market Trends of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs and PCBs for Base Stations (Rus & RRHs)  
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Base Stations (Rus & RRHs)   p132 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Base Stations   p133 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Base Stations (RUs & RRHs)   p134 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of RF Antenna PCBs for Base Stations(RUs & RRHs)   p136 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of RF Antenna PCBs for Base Stations (RUs & RRHs)   p137 
   Market Size Forecast of RF Antenna PCBs for Base Stations (RUs & RRHs)   p138 
 3-2. Market Trends of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs and PCBs for mmWave Radars  
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for mmWave Radars   p141 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for mmWave Radars   p142 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for mmWave Radars   p143 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of RF Antenna PCBs for mmWave Radars   p145 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of RF Antenna PCBs for mmWave Radars   p146 
   Market Size Forecast of RF Antenna PCBs for mmWave Radars   p147 
 3-3. Market Trends of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs and PCBs for AiPs 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for AiPs   p150 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for AiPs   p151 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for AiPs   p152 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of RF Antenna PCBs for AiPs   p154 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of RF Antenna PCBs for AiPs   p155 
   Market Size Forecast of RF Antenna PCBs for AiPs   p156 
 3-4. Market Trends of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Other Applications  
   2023 Manufacturers’ Sales of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Other Applications   p159 
   2023 Manufacturers’ Market Share of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Other Applications   p160 
   Market Size Forecast of High-Frequency (Low Dk) CCLs for Other Applications   p161

Chapter 3 Manufacturers’ Case Studies

Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd    p164 
AGC Inc.    p170 
Resonac Holdings Corporation    p176 
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.    p182 
Elite Material Co., Ltd.    p188 
Taiwan Union Technology Corporation     p200 
NAN YA Plastics Corporation    p206 
Doosan Corporation Electro-Materials     p212 
Rogers Corporation     p218 
ISOLA Group Ltd.      p224 
Shengyi Technology Co., Ltd.     p230 
Nanya New Material Technology Co. Ltd.     p236 
Changzhou Zhongy ing Science & Technology Co., LTD.     p242 
Zhejiang Wazam New Materials Co., Ltd.      p248 
KINGBOARD Laminates Holdings Ltd.       p254